“From every ending comes a new beginning”  - Lurlene McDaniel

With the end of week 9 marks the end of another spectacular space studies program. The week began with sleepless nights, empty coffee cups and TP rooms filled with props in preparation for a theatrical final presentation. This year, the presentations were dramatically engaging as each team took story telling to new heights. The presentations had comedic, but informative elements such as AR, where the audience put together a spacecraft! After each presentation, the teams stood tall together confidentially answering every question that was thrown at them by leading experts in the industry from former astronauts to chief engineers. The evening ended with a much deserved Paella Party, where the participants got a chance to destress and enjoy the evening filled with laughter and dancing. 

TP Swarms, TP Industrial, TP Transit & TP Urban 

week 9 blog 2TP Industrial

The next day the participants and staff enjoyed a farewell brunch, kindly sponsored by the Aerospace Corporation. This was the perfect chance for them to get their SSP19 posters signed by their fellow classmates and staff to cherish their time at SSP19. Later that evening, the closing ceremony was held in Strasbourg at the Siège du conseil Régional sponsored by the Grand Est. The participants finally got their certificates from the program director Omar Hatamleh and ISU President Juan de Dalmau. The participants also received the ISU pin by the Omar & Steve Brody. With an inspiring speech by our very own Kyran Grattan : Class speaker of SSP19 and Catrina Melograna receiving the SSP19 Morla Milne academic award, the ceremony came to a memorable end. 


TP transitUrbanThe participants then spent their final night celebrating their achievements with laughter, dancing and saying their final goodbyes. The next day is the saddest part of the program, the participants were all homebound as quickly as they came. Some left in tears and other laughing it off, with plans to see each other again in the futures. Welcome to the Space mafia SSP19! 

“Our memories of yesterday will last a lifetime. We’ll take the best, forget the rest, and someday will find that these are the best of times.” -Styx
