Volker Damann

In the Human Performance in Space Department, we are focusing on the human aspects of spaceflight, what factors of the space environment are impacting the performance of astronauts. This includes biological, physiological, psychological, human factors and engineering aspects. The departmental activities will enable participants to experience and evaluate challenges related to human spaceflight activities for both short- and long-duration and -distance missions.

The department activities are designed to have interactive experiences and hands-on exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and practice skills from a diverse field of sciences, biomedical engineering and mission operations.

Some of the activities will cover the following topics:

  • Applied Anatomy and Physiology in a medical Ultrasound workshop
  • Crew Medical Officer Training
  • Bioethics
  • Psychological Assessment of Astronaut Applicants
  • Human System Integration
  • Bioregenerative Life Support Systems
  • New and emerging Medical Technologies
  • Vision Exam techniques in view of the Space Associated Neuro-Ocular Syndrome

The participants will also visit local medical sites and facilities and the European Astronaut Centre in Cologne, Germany.

Learning Objectives:

  • Engage in various workshops, panels, professional visits to gain knowledge and understanding of concepts related to human performance in space
  • Participate in group activities in an interdisciplinary and intercultural environment
  • Practice the training and duties of a Crew Medical Officer
  • Perform self-examinations to learn about the human anatomy, physiology and the human vision system
  • Understand the ethical and legal requirements related to the medical profession and life sciences research
  • Understand the principles of bioregenerative life support systems, biological eco-systems and the role of biological producers, consumers and destroyers
  • Understand the role of psychological assessment and personality evaluation in an astronaut selection
  • Observe the implementation of clinical procedures in a hospital and related staffing and logistics in view of a future medical habitat
  • Familiarize with new clinical technologies, like surgical robots, telemedicine to prepare for future medical space systems
  • Understand the concept of Human System Integration from a system engineering perspective
  • Design and conduct an individual or group project with a focus on human performance in space